Friday, 24 May 2013


Once when I passed by a farmer, who was arranging something around his car, without greeting me or saying anything he put a peach into my hand.

A cheerful Italian coupe, who were wearing them socks on them hands not having glows, were playing "puppet show" to the pilgrims they passed by.
A priest were standing in the chilling cold on early morning just to smile at the departing pilgrims ad wish "¡Buen Camino!" and help them make a photo with the "Santiago 790km" board.

Once I saved the life of several pilgrims from a spider. Though it was sitting seemingly frightened on my hand all of us knew that it is ready to throw to our throat and bite it through. :)

On the first really sunny afternoon almost all of the pilgrims went out to sit in the sun in shorts and T-shirts despite of the 14 degree Celsius.

It is nice that you meet the people you was walked together before again and again. I met with Gary and Kathie several times since I thought that I would not.

When I started to hate the outskirt of Burgos a local lady with a dog showed me the way to the lovely route on the other side of the river.

A had a feeling that the Camino is an essence of the whole World in a way as I meet people from different and distant countries like Canada, Corea or Japan.

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