Monday, 10 June 2013

Crystal day

One day (on 6th June, indeed:)) I was going in the hills on a nice path folded by trees. At one point there was an advertisement about some ´crystal galery´ and ´art exhibition´. It was 500m away from the Camino track. I had time and was curious about it so I followed its signs. I ended up by a house built of slate, that was typical for that area.

Inside the house there was several pictures made by an interesting technique: The artist collected stones, minerals and crystals from different edges of the world, crashed them into sand and ´painted´ beautiful and exciting pictures by pouring these crystal-powder using them natural colours. (It is a bit difficult to describe, there will be photos after my returning to home.)

The ´galery´ was in the wide corridor of the 1st floor where the rooms opened. The doors were open so that I could look into the working room of the artist, that created a kind of familiar atmosphere.

There was a tiny, cosy chapel attached to the house. I asked the artist about his religion because both in his pictures and the decoration of the chapel appeared both christian and oriental motives. He said that he did not follow any religions but got what he found to be useful from each of them. He did meditation and yoga and felt that connecting to the transcendence (might not be the right word) does not requires any of the religions.

There are experiences that are so intensive and touching that you are not aware of time For me getting to know the artist and his pictures was one of them. I have always wristwatch with me but I do not know how much time I spent there. This experience stays in my mind and made it busy for days.

Out of hundreds and hundreds of pilgrims that pass by the advertisement only 2 to 10 spend the time and energy to take the extra 1 km and visit the artist, look at his crystal pictures and change ideas with an extraordinary man.

(One more thing: We ware speaking in Spanish so I am really proud of my 24-lesson-deep Spanish knowledge. :))

What was on the icing on the cake: On the very same day I eat first in my life octopus (´pulpo´ in Spanish) on the marketplace of Sarria among local peoples and with live music of Gallician pipe. (I am not sure of the name of the instrument...)

Update: In the meantime I have uploaded the photos. But, unfortunately, they reflects nothing about the atmosphere.

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